
Thursday, January 24, 2013

This is notes from Letters to a Young Life Leader by Bob Mitchell

Some girls acting silly at Monde Schwartz's house.
Reaching the "outsiders" will require much more than providing a good program of club and camp activities for them.  The ministry must be "incarnational".  That means going where kids are, seeking to understand their culture.  We must build relationships of love and trust.  Jesus, "the Word become flesh," did exactly that.  He personally entered our broken world to show forth the love of God.  Now he asks us to continue his incarnation.  

A simple explanation of this principle [winning the right to be heard] is that the one who proclaims the gospel is the same one who has spent much time with kids, being with them to establish credibility and trust.  

Tucker [a Young Life staff kid]  observed that the proclamation was given by leaders who had climbed mountains with the kids, who had done crazy skits that put themselves down, and who had hung out with the kids around camp.  Speakers had the attention of campers because they had been with them to establish credibility and trust.  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Prayer is the work

I believe that Satan knows how to distract ministry people from the work.  He does this by making mountains of paperwork, communications, jobs, requests, and planning.  But, what if the work was just to get up in the morning, pray for those around you and entrusted to you, and somehow that day try to express to them the vastness of Jesus.  Oh, Glorious Day!

From the book, Letters to a Young Life Leader, "It is fair to say that Young Life was bathed in prayer in those early years.  'Prayer is the work,' Jim would remind us."

Lord, this is the day you have made.  I am overcome with thankfulness at the opportunities that you have created for Young Life in the Greater Mankato Area.  Grant us with favor with our high school friends so that we can love on them like Jesus loves on us.  Grant us favor with your church so that the body of Christ can see the active part we play in introducing kids to the kingdom.  Grant us favor with donors so that we might expand our territories so every kid has the opportunity to hear the truth about who you are.  

I love the prayers of Jim Rayburn and I echo them in my prayers this morning "Send us your kids."  These are not our [Young Life] kids, they are not property owned by anyone but let us shepherd those you give us.  

Thank you for your never ending love.  

Friday, January 4, 2013

Justin gets messy in the Young Life first annual Crudfest. 
I recently received a text message from a Youth minister that ate lunch with a student that has been very regular in coming to Young Life.  He asked me if we were being intentional with connecting with Justin.  Justin said that Young Life is making a profound impact in his life.