
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Post 2 @ Camp

It has been a great 24 hours at Crooked Creek.  Yesterday we had a camp wide volleyball tournament that is meant to unify cabins as they come up with cabin uniforms.  Again, leaders are setup to be heroes as they brought some stuff to share and bring the cabins together.  Our upperclassmen guys put on ties and shades then spelled diesel on their backs.  

During free time some of our kids went on a high swing, high ropes course, horseback riding and ridge runners (dirt track go carts).  These experiences give them shared memories with leaders and challenges some of their fears.  

Finally, at club last night we were met with the story about Jesus healing a bleeding woman and bringing a girl to life.  The question that lingered was, "what are your expectations of God? Do you expect God to work or like many people -- 'I just don't think about it.'"

Some of the walls our high school friends have built up are starting to come down, and they are becoming authentic.  They are admitting that they don't believe this stuff, they want God to lead them, they are afraid of going back home and letting this stuff "stick", and some are still unsure of what God's story means for them.  

Great things are happening and I hope that God is receiving all the glory for the work being done. 

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